Oferta Académica (Bachilleratos)
Educación Especial*
Educación Preescolar*
Educación Elemental
Educación Física (Nivel Elemental)
Educación Secundaria
Educación en Salud Escolar * (solamente se ofrece a distancia)
* Disponibles también totalmente a distancia
Grado Asociado
Artes en Recreación para Personas de Edad Avanzada
Programa de Educación General Bachiller en Educación
Educación Especial*
Educación Preescolar*
Educación Elemental
Educación Física (Nivel Elemental)
Educación Secundaria
Educación en Salud Escolar * (solamente se ofrece a distancia)
* Disponibles también totalmente a distancia
Información del Programa de Educación de Maestros
Teacher Annual Report (pdf)
CAEP Accountability Measures (for CHEA Requirements) [2020-2021 Academic Year]
CAEP includes four Accountability Measures that the Inter American University, Arecibo Campus, needs to make available to the public.
This Measures includes the data, collected during the 2020-21 academic year, related to the following areas: Measure 1: Completer effectiveness, Measure 2: Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement, Measure 3: Candidate competency at completion, and Measure 4: Ability of completers to be hired.
MEASURE 1: Completer Impact and Effectiveness
In the absence of state data regarding teacher effectiveness, the EPP has developed a School Directors Survey and a Survey of Completer Satisfaction to collect the type of information needed to analyze the program’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of the impact of the in-service teachers. The School Directors Survey will use qualitative and quantitative methodology to answer a list of central research questions addressing aspects of alumni performance quality as it pertains to national InTASC and state PRDE professional standards. Data will be collected from key school stakeholders that comprise the EPP alumni-teaching environment: the candidate, the candidates’ students, and the candidates’ immediate supervisor, the candidates’ cooperating teacher, and the graduate supervisor.
During the CAEP accreditation site Visit (October 2019), the EPP presented to the visiting team the new instruments to be used for the collection of the data. Unfortunately, many schools in Puerto Rico have been closed since January 2020 due to two major factors: the earthquakes that affected most of the towns in Puerto Rico, and after that, the Pandemic due to the Covid-19 virus (March, 2020). Due to this situation, our teacher candidates had to withdraw from the schools and, to this day, have not been provided access. The lack of electronic resources, means by which under these circumstances we can collect the necessary reliable and valid data, in many instances has made it impossible for us to reach a broad sample of candidates, cooperating teachers, school directors and graduates. In as much as possible, we will continue our effort to provide the questionnaire to as many participants as possible.
During the academic year 2020-2021, the EPP continue with the effort in the administration of the questionnaires. For the 2020-21 academic year, 15 questionnaires were administered to measure the level of satisfaction to employers, peers (teachers) and graduates of schools in P.R., of which responses were received from 9 (60%) employers, 7 (47%) peer-teachers and 3 (20%) graduates. These questionnaires measure the satisfaction and perception of school principals with the performance of UIPR, Arecibo graduates and co-workers (peers). Likewise, our graduates express their satisfaction with the priority and training of the EPP and how it has helped them in the world of employment (teaching).
For the employers, the results indicate that school directors express excellent or good satisfaction with the performance of graduates in the skills of use of technology, ethics and professional development, use of strategies and techniques in the classroom such as assessment, research, leadership, world of work, among others. Mean fluctuates between 4.00-3.50, SD., .45.
For the peer-teachers, the results indicate that the peers express excellent or good satisfaction with the performance of the graduates in the skills of use of technology, ethics and professional development, use of strategies and techniques in the classroom such as Assessment, research, leadership, world of work, among others. Mean fluctuates between 4.00-3.40, SD., .36.
And, for the graduates, the results indicate that the graduates of UIPR, Arecibo, express excellent or good satisfaction with the performance of the graduates in the skills of use of technology, ethics and professional development, use of strategies and techniques in the classroom such as assessment, research, leadership, world of work, among others. Mean fluctuates between 4.00-3.64, SD., .40.
Findings from the results of questionnaires administered to school principals, teacher-peers, and alumni, after carefully analyzed by the EPP faculty, demonstrate the effectiveness of their alumni instruction on P-12 student learning and development, and student satisfaction. their peers and employer-school directors with the relevance and effectiveness of the preparation that effectively contributed to the learning growth of P-12 students and apply in P-12 classrooms the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions that preparation experiences were designed to achieve the preparation and training of teacher candidates. It also shows that employers and peers are satisfied with the participants’ preparation for their assigned responsibilities in working with diverse P-12 students and their families. It is shown that the graduates (those who complete the program) perceive their preparation as relevant to the responsibilities they find at work, and their preparation was effective and efficient.
MEASURE 2: Employers and Stakeholders
Satisfaction of Employers
For the data gathering, in the area of Employer Satisfaction, the EPP Program are making efforts to obtain greater participation in the employer satisfaction survey, and for that purpose we will use hand delivery of the survey to the persons responsible for answering the instrument. In cases where we do not have the opportunity to hand over the instrument, the EPP will use the tele survey as a means. With the help of the Outcomes Assessment Information Center, all schools will be called and the person in charge of answering the survey will be contacted. In the event that we do not have an answer by either method, the EPP will send the survey via email using Survey Monkey © to obtain the results. Once this process is completed, the Program will establish a percentage of response. The PPE has plans to continue offering the Questionnaire to School Principals every year (from 2020). In order to increase the participation, we are planning to include the School Principal in schools outside the island – in US.
Distribution: Survey was issued to the 2020 – 2021 completers. Of the 15 completers, 7 responded (47%).
Rating Scale: Completers rated themselves on the Framework for Teaching scale (Deficient = 1, Regular = 2, Good = 3, Excellent = 4).
Benchmark: Rubric Score = 3.92
The employer satisfaction survey includes data related to the following topics: learning activities, teaching techniques, core concepts, tools, and structure of the discipline, assessment techniques, decisions making, goals, objectives, curricular content, cross-cutting and community themes planning, development of deep understanding of the knowledge of the discipline being taught, development of meaningful learning skills, professional and ethical practices, students and school community needs, curricular and extracurricular activities, comprehensive student growth, university studies and the labor field, P-12 students to access college and careers, and knowledge of technology standards.
MEASURE 3: Candidate Competency at Completion
Aggregate-Assessment Level Pass Rate Date
Regular Teacher Preparation Program
Academic Year: 2016-2017-Testing Period: 7/16-6/17
Type of Assessment | Assessment Code Number | No. of Student Taking Assessment | No. of Student Passing Assessment | Institution Pass Rate | Statewide Pass Rate |
PCMAS General | PR10 | 13 | 13 | 13/13=100% | 96% |
PCMAS General (Elementary/Secondary) | PR21, PR25 | 13 | 13 | 13/13=100% | 96% |
Specialization | PR30, PR40, PR50, PR60, PR70 | 5 | 2 | 2/5=40% | 91% |
Summary Pass Rate | 13 | 10 | 10/13=77% | 646/693=93% |
Aggregate-Assessment Level Pass Rate Date
Regular Teacher Preparation Program
Academic Year: 2017-2018-Testing Period: 7/17-6/18
Type of Assessment | Assessment Code Number | No. of Student Taking Assessment | No. of Student Passing Assessment | Institution Pass Rate | Statewide Pass Rate |
PCMAS General | PR10 | 28 | 26 | 26/28=93% | 93% |
PCMAS General (Elementary/Secondary) | PR21, PR25 | 28 | 26 | 26/28=93% | 93% |
Specialization | PR30, PR40, PR50, PR60, PR70 | 10 | 9 | 9/10=90% | 92% |
Summary Pass Rate | 28 | 26 | 26/28=93% | 684/749=91% |
Aggregate-Assessment Level Pass Rate Date
Regular Teacher Preparation Program
Academic Year: 2018-2019-Testing Period: 7/18-6/19
Type of Assessment | Assessment Code Number | No. of Student Taking Assessment | No. of Student Passing Assessment | Institution Pass Rate | Statewide Pass Rate |
PCMAS General | PR10 | 18 | 14 | 14/18=78% | 94% |
PCMAS General (Elementary/Secondary) | PR21, PR25 | 18 | 14 | 14/18=78% | 94% |
Specialization | PR30, PR40, PR50, PR60, PR70 | 9 | 9 | 9/9=100% | 93% |
Summary Pass Rate | 18 | 14 | 14/18=78% | 588/636=92% |
Aggregate-Assessment Level Pass Rate Date
Regular Teacher Preparation Program
Academic Year: 2019-2020-Testing Period: 7/19-6/20
Teacher Certification Test were not administered due to COVID – 19.
Aggregate-Assessment Level Pass Rate Date
Regular Teacher Preparation Program
Academic Year: 2020-2021-Testing Period: 7/20-6/21
Type of Assessment | Assessment Code Number | No. of Student Taking Assessment | No. of Student Passing Assessment | Institution Pass Rate | Statewide Pass Rate |
PCMAS General | PR10 | 24 | 23 | 23/24=96% | 96% |
PCMAS General (Elementary/Secondary) | PR21, PR25 | 24 | 23 | 23/24=96% | 96% |
Specialization | PR30, PR40, PR50, PR60, PR70 | 0% | |||
Summary Pass Rate | 24 | 23 | 23/24=96% | 628/656=96% |
MEASURE 4: Ability of Completers to be Hired
For Measure 4, the EPP created a survey to be administered to our program completers in which we expect to gather information about the ability of our program completers to be hired into positions for which they have been prepared. The Puerto Rico Department of Education does not provide a list of the Inter American program completers who have been hired in Puerto Rico. Also, it is important to mention, that our program completers choose to seek teaching positions in Puerto Rico and in other states outside Puerto Rico.
Graduates Employability Survey Report
Survey was issued to the 2020 – 2021 completers. Of the 32 completers, 14 responded (44%).
Please choose the concentration of which it graduated:
Alumni Employability Survey Question | Yes | No |
Do you currently work in an area related to your teacher preparation? | 78.57% | 21.43% |
CAEP Accreditation letter May-2020 (pdf)
CAEP Certificate April-2020 (pdf)
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation